The penalties you face could be severe if you are charged with DUI within Seattle. These include the possible loss of your driver’s license and jail time or a criminal history. DUI legal counsel who are located in Seattle will help you explore every option for defense so you can get the most favorable results feasible. Learn more?
How DUI Lawyers in Seattle are able to help
DUI attorneys Seattle can evaluate the case to determine whether you are able to defend yourself. There are a number of potential arguments your lawyer can make to help you walk away from the charges scot free.
DUI lawyers in Seattle can also assist you to explore other options, for example, first-time offender programmes and plea bargaining. This can prevent long-term consequences or severe punishments that interfere with your daily activities.
The defenses for DUI
Seattle DUI lawyers will analyze the specifics of your situation, and then help you decide if there’s a defense that may apply to your situation. Some defenses to DUI accusations include an unlawful investigation or an incorrect DUI test.
When DUI lawyers Seattle assist you in preparing the defense of an unlawful search, the defense is focused on showing that your 4th Amendment Constitutional rights were breached. The breathalyzer test, or other DUI tests are deemed to be searches conducted by authorities. The evidence gathered by police may not be admissible if they stopped you for no reason or conducted a test on the subject with no indication that you had consumed alcohol. In the absence of proof, the prosecutor may have no choice but to withdraw the charge.
Afflicted DUI tests are justified by the assumption that there was something not right with the method in the way that the test was conducted. This defense is available when a breathalyzer was not kept up to standards or if law enforcement personnel weren’t adequately trained on using breathalyzers.