What’s the reason Your Romance is Fading And the Reasons Why it doesn’t have to

Each time I start writing about relationships I’m reminded of the fact that, as animals, we’re under the control of a basic biological programming. The aim of this program is to ensure the longevity of the species. This is frequently in the field of procreation – helpful hints!

When viewed from a higher viewpoint, our interactions with the opposite sexe can be described as satisfying, romantic, intellectual, educational, thrilling and enjoyable. We are enthralled by these higher functions because we are the most advanced form of life, perhaps the most beautiful type of life on earth, though I have met some dolphins and whales that would challenge that claim. It is important to understand that our instincts are at the core of all that we do.

We aren’t animals, and we value romantic relationships and connections as the dominant factor in our lives. It is a pain when the romantic love begins to fade with time. Everyday events in our life start to assume their own significance, as if they were competitors to romantic love.

Think back to your first crush in high school. In a matter of only a few minutes, you transformed from a calm young person with stars in eyes. It was impossible to focus on any other thing but the person you were now in love with. It was difficult to sleep or eat, and it was even more difficult to keep an ongoing relationship. It wasn’t the last love affair, and once it ended, you felt the sensation of being broken heart. It may have seemed that all was lost and that your life was over. After a while the wounds heal, and you were able to return to “normal”. In fact you were able think of a new relationship with a person else. You promised yourself that this time you would “do it right” and be more cautious so that you won’t feel the pain of being broken heart for the rest of your life.

Over the course of a short period there was a period of time when you did date and might have been a bit flirty at times as you waited for the perfect person you’d like to call your love of your life, to show up and swoop into your waiting arms. You had fun, but experienced some difficulties through this time. You fell in love and fell in love and were married when thought you would never be.

It was at first even more magical than romantic poetry of the past. Sexual relations were not just frequent but was a great experience. It was impossible to keep your eyes and hands off each other. Some time has passed. Your relationship shifted as children were born, work changed and responsibilities increased. Responsibility, security, and companionship took over the romance. The days of enjoying discovering new and exciting facts about one another. Sex was now a common occurrence and not as fulfilling or regular as it been prior to. At times you might be a thought that you might have been married to the wrong person. The blossom was gone from the rose and you couldn’t imagine the reason.

Let’s revisit the question of biological fundamental programming. As far as Mother Nature was concerned, your love life was complete the task it was supposed to achieve: birth offspring and create a safe environment in which they could grow into adults and later, repeat the whole love story you’d completed. Mother Nature didn’t seem to care about your romantic relationship as long as you were able take care of your children and ensure their safety. The majority of marriages end with divorce, and therefore now seemed to 50 percent of the population to be the right time to begin this phase.

All of this may seem a little depressing. However, there’s positive news, and all is not lost. It may be the right time to divorce for some however, it’s also the perfect time for others who want to rekindle the spark that brought them together at the start. This is the real purpose of this post I hope you enjoy it, my dear friends. As one of the elite human race, it is your responsibility to build your life exactly as you’ve always thought of it. It is not enough to make sure you are pleasing Mother Nature.

How can you revive that spark of love with someone you’ve met and a pair very old shoes you’ve worn for many miles? The richness that you now have is the past of your family, the experiences and the stories you’ve collected over the years. Assuming that the fundamental relationship is solid, there is nothing to stop you from should not rekindle the relationship. The result may not be exactly the identical, but it will nonetheless be better.

You can invite out the person in your new lover the moment you first have met them if capable of doing this. This person may also want to make an appearance however they aren’t sure how to do it. They might need a call or a permit, or any other kind of support. This is where your intuition comes in and, in the event that you choose to hear it, it will guide you towards joy. All you need is your willingness and just maybe an extra bit of bravery.

Recall a thing you ought to have known when you first started to date that women and men are wired differently. You must appeal to your partner’s logic if woman, since this is the way he perceives his world. You must realize that if you’re a man and you want to rekindle your love for each other will not be realized until you figure out a way to awaken your partner’s emotions. Women are wired this way. Do not spend the time explaining to her why you should rekindle the flame but instead just do it. Don’t just tell her that you appreciate her. You should show her with your every action, that you care. You will get her reaction if there is any resemblance to the girl you used to meet.