Be sure to consider the following factors before you decide where to store your belongings going here. Self-storage allows you to keep your belongings out of your home or apartment. You likely have many other ideas. Here are three of the most important.
Inventorize all your items before putting them in the mini storage unit
It is essential to take pictures before placing items in your mini-storage. Take pictures of your items or create a checklist before you place them in the mini-storage. Although it may seem silly to take pictures of the contents, you can avoid wondering whether you forgot something or if an item is still inside.
Consider placing smaller items in transparent plastic containers.
It is up to you what you store. You don’t need to repackage large items. Clear plastic containers are the best way to store small things in a storage container. Once you’ve organized your things, it will be easier to quickly identify the items inside.
Lift Things at Least 100 Centimeters Off The Floor
Mini-storage facilities may claim their units are water-resistant, but you must still raise your valuables 100 cm and more above the floor. It may not be possible to do this depending on which mini storage company you choose. However, you can use something like cinder blocks as a floor before you move your valuables. This ensures that your items are more secure.
This will improve your chances that all of your belongings are stored safely and securely at the storage facility you choose. Although insurance is a wonderful idea, insurers will not accept a claim that does not include concrete evidence. You should make a complete inventory of all items stored in the space.